Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013

What are you passionate about? Do you think you can never use that passion for God’s glory? Who do you think gave you that passion? God did.
I love working with horses. That is my passion. How can God use me in that field? I’m not rich nor do I have endless researches. I pray, each day, that God will show me how to use this passion for His glory.
I also have a passion for physically challenged kids. Could the two fit together? If God wills it!
My dream: Train a specific horse for a specific person. Everybody should be able to enjoy owning a horse, even if they don’t have a leg or an arm. If someone didn’t have a right arm, I could train the horse so the person wouldn’t need one. No right leg? Same thing. A crop or special reign cues could be used instead of the other leg. Does the person want to compete in a specific event? Train the horse so the person can compete safely.
I don’t see how I will have enough money, but if God’s desire is for me to do this, He will provide a way.
Anything is possible if I continue to follow God’s plan.
Trust Him with your life today!

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